海豚湾 机场
Helping businesses that process salsa, pickles and other acidified foods meet training needs and connect with a Process Authority
Photo credit: B. Ingham.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison supports the safe manufacture of meat and poultry products with Model HACCP Plans, validation research, SOP examples, and more.
Safe Produce for Food Pantries Project
Information to help growers, gardeners and food pantries provide safe and healthy fruits and vegetables to food pantry guests.
Photo credit: Katelyn VinsonSafely Preparing and
Preserving Food at Home
Join the Blog!
ChooseMyPlate.gov helps you focus on key behaviors:
- Enjoy food, but eat less.
- Avoid oversized portions.
- Make half your plate fruits & veggies.
- Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
- Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk.
- Compare sodium in foods.
- Make half your grains whole.
UW-Extension educators are available across the state to help answer your questions. Fast access to your county office is here.
Training Announcements
海豚湾 机场
- February 11 (CLOSED)
- May 19 (CANCELLED)
- September 15 (registration)
- November 10 (registration)
All trainings will be held in Madison, WI (directions).
Brochure and mail-in registration form here.
FDA Better Process School - 2020
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Now: September 22-24, 2020 (3 days)
Tips for Food Entrepreneurs
海豚湾 机场
海豚湾 机场
海豚湾 机场
海豚湾 机场
海豚湾 机场
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1605 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Map | Google
Phone: 608-263-7383
e-mail: bhingham@wisc.edu